
Passed Over by the Plague

The Passover originates from a story in the Book of Exodus that took place when the people of Israel were living in captivity in the land of oppression, also known as Egypt.  God had told Moses that he would bring a plague on the land of oppression but that He would cover the people of Israel in order to make it known that God was making a difference between the Egyptians & the people of Israel.  This should sound awfully familiar as we are living in a land filled with oppression that currently has a plague sweeping through it.

A Time for Everything

A Time for Everything - Stars Turning

“To every thing there is a set time,

and a time to every purpose under heaven:” (Eccl 3:1)

Ever since the foundation of the world, there has been a set time for everything in the heavens.  This is fairly common knowledge, as there are apps that can show you what the sky looked like on any given date.  Just like the Moon, planets, & stars follow a certain path in the sky and never deviate from it regardless of the year of their appearance, the same is done on Earth by those of God.

“A time to be born & a time to die…

…a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which has been planted;” (Eccl 3:2)

The Prophets of God have always come at a certain time, and that time has always been the perfect time of their appearance on the stage of history.  When they have proclaimed God’s Word, they have both planted the Good Seed in the minds of those who hear & plucked up the false grains grown from bad seed. (see Matt 13)  Those announcing the Righteous Message of God do so at the perfect time and then leave when their time is done.

Likewise, the celestial bodies in the sky appear at their proper time and afterward disappear.  Recently there have been some amazing shows in the skies, or heavens, involving the Sun, Moon, & Stars because they were set in motion long ago to appear now.  The same is being done on Earth, for now is the time!

Jesus wouldn’t know “Jesus”!

Many people think that Jesus is coming back to save them, and they make prayers to “Jesus” daily.  It might come as a surprise to these people that Jesus wouldn’t even know “Jesus.”  If he were to return in the flesh, he would not even respond to the name “Jesus.”  His name was, in fact, Y’hoshua, pronounced Ya-ho’-shua, and the changing of his name to Jesus was a very unrighteous act.

Some might respond to this fact by saying that he is called Jesus merely because of transliteration from Greek to English.  However, this type of argument is in complete error.  The Greek name, Iesous, or Jesus, was assigned to Y’hoshua by those who translated the New Testament into Greek.  The words of Y’hoshua and the Apostles were originally spoken and written in Aramaic, a language much more similar to Hebrew than Greek.  In his day, Jesus Christ would have been referred to as Y’hoshua HaMashiyach (meaning simply “Y’hoshua the Messiah/Anointed”) rather than Iesous Christos, as the Greeks would have him called.  So, why “Jesus” then?  The answer lies in Greek mythology… …

Is Easter Holy?

Is Easter a true holiday, or holy day, in the eyes of God?  The majority of those calling themselves “Christian” think that they practice the customs of Easter in order to worship God; however, they are dead wrong.

Many were brought up to believe that Easter is a magical day celebrating Jesus’ resurrection, which involved painted eggs, the Easter Bunny, and hot cross buns.  It might spoil the fun, but every tradition surrounding Easter has its roots in paganism and, in reality, has nothing to do with Jesus at all.  In fact, if one looks up “Easter” in the dictionary, they will find the word “pagan” in the definition somewhere.  For example, Webster’s defines Easter as “originally a pagan festival in honor of the Goddess of Spring, Eastre, held in April”.

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