
016 Christmas, Epiphany and Hanukkah

This PodCast continues to look at holiday traditions on and around the winter solstice.

Did you know that the Christmas tree is an ancient phallic symbol? Did you know that modern Christmas traditions are just a rebranding of Saturnalia? Did you know that from Genesis to Revelation, false worship practices are always introduced by the religious and political elite. Did you know that after Christmas and Easter, Epiphany is one of the oldest pagan festival days of the Catholic Church? Did you know that Hanukkah is not mentioned in the Bible and is a violation of the commandments?

In this podcast you will find the answers to these questions and many more.

Topics covered in this PodCast are:
Exposing the root of the Christmas tree
Christmas vs. Saturnalia
How and Why Christianity became pagan
Epiphany tradition
The Feast of Hanukkah

015 More about Christmas

This PodCast looks at the symbolism and history of the ancient festival known as Christmas today, where it comes from and what, if anything, it has to do with Jesus and his birth.

Did you know that Christmas was banned in early America, why? Did you know that Christmas is mentioned in the Bible, both Old and New Testaments? Did you know that Santa Claus was a pedophile priest? Did you know that the virgin birth is a pagan belief associated with sun god worship, that dates back to the time of Adam and Eve? Did you know that the Sun, Moon and Stars are spoken of in scripture as shadows of the servants of God and not gods.

Topics covered in this PodCast are:
Christmas in early America and the Old Testament
Is Christmas mentioned in the Bible
Santa Claus – righteous or wicked
The true Virgin Birth
The Winter Solstice as it relates to Christmas

014 What about Christmas

In this PodCast we will be covering the the holiday known as Christmas.

We will be looking at the symbolism associated with this ancient festival, where it comes from and what if anything it has to do with Jesus and his birth.

Did you know that virgin birth and immaculate conception were features of nearly every pagan worship practice known today, predating Jesus by thousands of years? Did you know that Jeremiah 10 specifically condemns the pagans for decorating a tree, referring to it as an idol. Did you know that the Sun god, Baal was born of December 25th and his birthday was celebrated on that day before and after Noah’s flood. Did you know that Christ-Mass is a celebration of the murder of Jesus on a day that is supposedly his birthday.

Topics covered in this PodCast are:
The Virgin Birth and the spirit of Anti-Christ
Immaculate conception and its ancient origins
The meaning of the term Christ-Mass
The Origin of the Christmas tree
A Brief History of Christmas

With all that, consider this quote from the largest “Christian” Church on earth…

“All that Jesus did and taught, from the beginning until the day that he was taken up to heaven,” is to be seen in the light of the mysteries of Christmas and Easter.

Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1994, para. 512

Christmas – The Christ Mass

The Christmas Season has once again, come upon the earth.  This is the annual period of festivities centered around the winter solstice and the birth of the Sun… or Son as it is now taught. If the purpose of this ‘holy’ day is to celebrate the supposed day of Jesus’ birth why isn’t this day simply called Christ’s Birthday.  Why is it instead called Christmas?  Learn where this term comes from and why it matters.

War on Christmas 2020

There has been a “War on Christmas” for thousands of years. Despite the name, it is not Christian. Whenever the Word of God is compared to Traditions of Man there is conflict. Whenever the House of Israel has been confronted by other nations, i.e. Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome, there has been conflict. Many of Israel have forsaken God’s Commandments against these pagan ways and followed them. On the other hand, many of Israel have lost their lives standing up for the Commandments of the God against these pagan nations and their traditions.

“A grapevine has been planted outside of the Father. But being unsound, it will be pulled up by its roots and destroyed.”

Maccabees forced to worship Zeus - "Christmas" - December 25th
Greeks tried to force Judeans of Israel to worship Zeus whose birthday was December 25th (1Maccabees 1-2)
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