Top Ten

This collection is the top ten articles of interest.  Digest a few or read all top ten.  We will rotate articles in and out of this curated list so check back often.  Have a question about God’s Word?  Ask in the “Contact Us” form and your question topic could become the next article!

Veneration of the Cross

“For they provoked Him to anger with their high places, and moved Him to jealousy with their graven images.”

Psalms 78:58
This Cross of Wales will lead the procession for the coronation of King Charles III on May 6, 2023. Embedded in the center are two slivers said to be from the “true cross” on which Jesus was crucified. The slivers were a gift from Pope Francis.

“The Cross of Wales, a new processional cross presented by His Majesty King Charles III as a centenary gift to the Church in Wales, will lead the Coronation procession at Westminster Abbey on 6 May. In a significant ecumenical gesture, the Cross of Wales will incorporate a relic of the True Cross, the personal gift of Pope Francis to His Majesty The King to mark the Coronation.”

The Cross of Wales will lead Coronation procession Provincial news Posted: 19 April 2023

“The relics of what is known as the True Cross were given to King Charles by Pope Francis, as a coronation gift…Set into the silver cross will be two small wooden shards, originating from what is claimed to be the cross on which Jesus was crucified. Such relics of the True Cross have been venerated for centuries, with pilgrimages made to churches where they are held. There has also been long-standing skepticism about the volume and authenticity of such relics and whether they could all come from a single cross.”

Coronation cross will include ‘crucifixion relics’ BBC News

The Passover Lamb

According to the encyclopedia: “the Passover sacrifice, also known as the Paschal lamb or the Passover lamb, is the sacrifice that the Torah mandates the Israelites to ritually slaughter on the evening of Passover, and eat on the first night of the holiday with bitter herbs and matzo.”

The Spotless Lamb of God

Take a look here and see how much deeper the meaning of this Feast goes as it relates to Christ, our Salvation and Deliverance. For the time is at hand!

The Passover Moon

On April 5th, 2023 people around the world will remember the Passover. In the time of Moses, God’s wrath passed over the Israelites but not their oppressors the Egyptians. This led to the exodus out of Egypt. One aspect of the timing of Passover is that it coincides with a full moon! God said there will be signs or indications in the moon. With that, we look to the indications in the moon relating to the very first Passover and the next one to come in God’s time, not next week.

“And God said, Let there be lights in the Firmament of the Heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years.”

Genesis 1:14

March Madness

The month of ‘March’ is named after Mars, the Roman god of war, which is madness in itself. The Romans have always been a war-like people. The original Roman calendar began with the month of March. Beginning with Spring, it is the time when they could all go out and begin fighting each other again. It was March Madness!

The God of War! WHAT??
Mars, the Roman god of war

January is named for the Roman god, Janus; February for a Roman festival of purification. These were added later when the calendar underwent another reformation. The way they keep changing times and dates is sheer madness!

Q&A: When Did Jesus Become God?

The majority of ‘Christian’ denominations believe that Jesus is God. Some say he became God at the moment of his creation inside Mary, the immaculate conception of God by God. Others believe Jesus became God when he was physically born. Still others think it was at his baptism by John the Baptist. If so, John was one powerful guy! And lastly, some point to his resurrection. As Jesus ‘raised from the dead’ he simultaneously became divine or God. But there is a fifth, much overlooked, point in time when Jesus actually ‘became’ God. Want to know when that was?

A Brief History of Easter and Passover

Passover vs. Easter

Most “Christians” today celebrate Easter as the day commemorating the resurrection of Jesus. However, early followers of Jesus would not have recognized or celebrated Easter. There is no reference in scripture to the observance of a holiday (Holy Day) to commemorate the “resurrection” of Jesus.

So, Where did Easter come from and how did it get incorporated into today’s “Christianity?”

The Passover Lamb

the passover lamb

“And it shall come to pass, when your children shall say to you, What do you mean by this service? That you shall say, It is the sacrifice of the LORD’S Passover, who passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt, when He smote the Egyptians, and delivered our houses. And the people bowed the head and paid homage to the LORD.”

Exodus 12:26-27

God commanded Moses to speak to Israel concerning the Passover. The night before the exodus of Israel, God executed judgement throughout the oppressive land of Egypt (Exodus 12:1-12). His instructions to Israel were for each household to take a lamb and eat the meat in haste. Let us delve into the meaning of this particular Law of the Passover in order that we might keep it in its exact interpretation.

It’s What’s for Lent!

‘The season of Lent is upon us… a time of abstinence, fasting and penance.’ And alms giving… Or is it?

It’s what’s for Lent – What’s on your plate?

‘When you fast, don’t be as the hypocrites’. And ‘When you do your alms, don’t sound a trumpet as the hypocrites do… that they may have the glory of men…’ and…

‘Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees/Priests which is hypocrisy.’

Jesus (Matt 6:1-2, 16; Luke 12:1)

Is it Easter? or Ishtar?

Worship of the Queen of Heaven

The pagan celebration of the worship of Ishtar, the Queen of Heaven, has morphed into what is now called “Easter.”  By changing the name they hoped to bury the origin of the worship of the Queen of Heaven, but we will expose the roots of this deception.  Today she is worshiped under the name, “Virgin Mary.” They change the names but the characters are the same.

In 2016 The National Retail Federation expected consumers to spend $17.3 billion, up considerably from what they spent in 2008 – that number was $14.4 billion!  This day definitely makes the merchants of the earth become very rich.

What does Passover have to do with Easter?

What does Easter have to do with Passover? In a word: nothing! Both “holy days” are celebrated in the Spring and both are described as “abomination” in God’s Word. These designations are all they have in common. Easter originated in ancient Babylon as the worship of the “god” Tammuz and his mother, Ishtar/Ashtoreth and while they say Passover originates in the Torah, when looked at closely there is little resemblance to what they do and what is contained in the Book of Exodus and all the Law. Hebrews 10:1, says “the Law is a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of the thing.”

The Laws of the Covenant
“You shall not make to yourselves any graven image… You shall not bow down to them nor serve them, for I the LORD your God am a jealous God…”
Exo 20:4-5
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