The Federal Reserve System – Part 1
Anniversary of the Federal Reserve System
One hundred and four years ago the Federal Reserve System was established in America. On December 23, 1913 the fruit of a criminal conspiracy came about by an act of Congress cleverly named the Federal Reserve Act, since it is neither federal nor does it hold anything in reserve. It was a usurpation of power given to Congress to control currency by way of the U.S. Constitution. The ‘founding fathers’ of this nation were careful to plan it that way so that a ‘central bank’ would not be able to insert itself and enslave the population here as it had done in Britain and Europe with a debt currency. These tyrants used several tricks to bring it about.

First, the conspirators met in a secret cabal during the Thanksgiving holiday of 1910. Seven members including a U.S. Senator, Nelson Aldrich, stole away to plot and plan to bring about the central banking system to take over control of US currency. They cleverly decided it would be called the Federal Reserve System. That system is designed to take all that the population can produce putting future generations on the hook to pay infinitely for a debt created by them “out of thin air.”