
Historical information from a biblical perspective in order to better understand the present and the future.  If we don’t learn from our past we are doomed to repeat it and where there is no vision, the people perish.

Passed Over by the Plague

The Passover originates from a story in the Book of Exodus that took place when the people of Israel were living in captivity in the land of oppression, also known as Egypt.  God had told Moses that he would bring a plague on the land of oppression but that He would cover the people of Israel in order to make it known that God was making a difference between the Egyptians & the people of Israel.  This should sound awfully familiar as we are living in a land filled with oppression that currently has a plague sweeping through it.

Remember the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread

“You shall not be afraid of them, but shall well remember the Passover and what the LORD your God did to Pharaoh and to all Egypt… whereby the LORD your God brought you out: so shall the LORD your God do to all the people of whom you are afraid… You shall not be frightened at them, for the LORD your God is among you. A mighty God and awesome!”

Deuteronomy 7
The Plagues of Egypt

What a striking coincidence that the world is experiencing the same tribulation and darkness the Egyptians did in the time of Moses and at the Passover! And it IS the time of Passover! Which comes as an end to what has been but also as the time of a new and better beginning of what will be.

Reconnecting the Roots of America – Part 2

‘God make you as Ephraim and as Manasseh’

There are many who acknowledge that the biblical Ephraim and Manasseh, sons of Joseph, son of Jacob/Israel, are represented by Great Britain and America. They, like Joseph, have it backwards, but Jacob knew exactly what he was doing.

Reconnecting the Roots of America, Part 1

Finding our Ancestral Roots has become a pastime and an important aspect of life for many lately with the availability of DNA tests and programs to help people reconnect with the roots of their Family Tree. But most can only go back a few generations and a few hundred years at best from their own with which to connect. But what if you could go back millennia? Back to the beginning? Back to the roots!

Ancient Roots of Worship

Looking back at the ways of ancient Egypt, Babylon and Assyria, we find many of those ways still being followed by modern-day people to this day. They’re not aware of their roots. But these practices can provide important clues for those who are searching and want to know their own roots.

Ishtar, 'Queen of Heaven'
Babylonian Ishtar, ‘Queen of Heaven’

Introduction to the Bible

Just about every US bookstore and library has a Bible. Eighty-two percent of American households possess at least one Bible. Sixty-six percent of American’s have “expressed at least some curiosity to know more about what the bible says.” The Bible covers a lot of ground, yet it says the same things over and over from the very start, all the way to the very end. It starts at a time before Adam and ends pointing to a time that is still yet to come. The Bible is a book that is very rarely read or understood, yet is in almost every US household. What path has the Bible taken to what is so readily available today? Why should you read it?

In the Beginning… Nothing became Something


If the universe is expanding, then it had to start somewhere.  If the universe started somewhere then it had a beginning.  If the universe had a beginning then it had a cause.  If the universe had a cause then it was created.  If the universe was created then Who or What created it?  This article will explore that question and you might be surprised at the conclusion.

An Epiphany


Many are anticipating the ‘epiphany’ or manifestation of the Messiah in these times of Tribulation. Christ himself revealed how he would manifest and to whom. This article will show the false and the true.

The word ‘epiphany’ is one of Greek origin. It is defined as; 1. to manifest or to show 2. an appearance or manifestation of a divine being 3. a sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something (as when something ‘dawns on you’, you suddenly or slowly perceive or understand).

The Federal Reserve System – Part 2

Last year at this time I wrote, the Federal Reserve System – Part 1 citing the 104th anniversary of the Federal Reserve Bank. December 23rd will mark one hundred and five years since the robber barons brought this system into law during the Christmas vacation of the United States Senate. President Woodrow Wilson signed it. Since that time American debt has gone up exponentially!

Woodrow Wilson
President Woodrow Wilson realized he had sold his country out

St. Andrew the Apostle, Patron Saint of Scotland

Home of the Brave, Land of the Free

Before America was, there was Scotland, still part of the United Kingdom of Britain, Scotland and Ireland. These are the brethren of the founding fathers of America, referred to in America’s Declaration of Independence. They claim the Apostle Andrew as their Patron Saint, as they say, he was sent to them first by Christ. Today, November 30, a feast day in his honor is celebrated in Scotland.

Crucifixtion of Andrew the Apostle
St. Andrew crucified

The nations of America, the United Kingdom and Northwestern Europe including Belgium, Holland, France, Norway, Sweden and Denmark became the wealthiest nations on earth in the very short time of the last two centuries. Since AD 1800 they have acquired more than three-fourths of all the wealth and resources of the earth.

The Evolution of Halloween and the Day of the Dead

Ancient Doctrines on the Resurrection

The Resurrection from the dead is the concept of coming back to life after death. It is a doctrine of the dead!

Many ancient cultures including Egypt and Babylon obsess over the dead and their funerary practices! They sacrifice to the dead, commune with and seek to for protection and favors.  Their practices include veneration to and worship of the dead.  With repetitious prayers, they cry out to and petition the dead thinking they’ll be heard. Some even cut and paint themselves in remembrance of the dead. Their gods must be out to lunch or asleep because they never respond!

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