Holidays of Man

These article address the holidays of man.  These are not holidays from God.  By looking at the roots of the “holy days” or holidays you can see for yourself if they have anything to do with God.  God has said what he hates, it is time to listen!

An Epiphany


Many are anticipating the ‘epiphany’ or manifestation of the Messiah in these times of Tribulation. Christ himself revealed how he would manifest and to whom. This article will show the false and the true.

The word ‘epiphany’ is one of Greek origin. It is defined as; 1. to manifest or to show 2. an appearance or manifestation of a divine being 3. a sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something (as when something ‘dawns on you’, you suddenly or slowly perceive or understand).

The Federal Reserve System – Part 2

Last year at this time I wrote, the Federal Reserve System – Part 1 citing the 104th anniversary of the Federal Reserve Bank. December 23rd will mark one hundred and five years since the robber barons brought this system into law during the Christmas vacation of the United States Senate. President Woodrow Wilson signed it. Since that time American debt has gone up exponentially!

Woodrow Wilson
President Woodrow Wilson realized he had sold his country out

O Christmas Tree, Idolatree

Most people probably wouldn’t associate a Christmas Tree with idolatry. But God’s Word commands against this ancient custom of vanity and idolatry.

“The modern Christmas tree is frequently traced to the symbolism of trees in pre-Christian winter rites, wherein Viking and Saxon worshiped trees.”  BBC Religion and Ethics

American Idolatree
White House Tree – Following pagan ways!

The Evolution of Halloween and the Day of the Dead

Ancient Doctrines on the Resurrection

The Resurrection from the dead is the concept of coming back to life after death. It is a doctrine of the dead!

Many ancient cultures including Egypt and Babylon obsess over the dead and their funerary practices! They sacrifice to the dead, commune with and seek to for protection and favors.  Their practices include veneration to and worship of the dead.  With repetitious prayers, they cry out to and petition the dead thinking they’ll be heard. Some even cut and paint themselves in remembrance of the dead. Their gods must be out to lunch or asleep because they never respond!

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