
2021 – The Year of the Cathars

Seven hundred years ago, in the year 1321, a man identified as the last of the Cathars, was interrogated in the Inquisition and burnt at the stake after he proclaimed a prophecy. That prophecy pertained to the year 2021 when he said, “We shall return in 700 years…” Is it being fulfilled? Take a look…

The Albigensian Crusade (1209–29) was called for by Pope Innocent III against the Cathars, a community in the south of France, whom the Roman Catholic Church had branded heretical. The war pitted the nobility of staunchly Catholic northern France against that of the south.

For all of its violence and destruction, the Albigensian Crusade failed to remove the Cathar heresy from Languedoc. It did, however, provide a solid framework of new secular governors willing to work with the church against the heretics. They were promised indulgences and whatever property or belongings they could confiscate. Through the subsequent efforts of the Inquisition, established by the papacy to try heretics, Catharism was virtually eliminated in Languedoc within a century. Many false accusations were made against them. ‘Cathar’ means purified, same as the ‘Puritans.’ They were also known as the Albigensians for the area of Albi where they lived.

Cathar country in Southern France
Marseilles, Albi, and Beziers in the Languedoc, South of France

The Day the World Changed

On April 29, 1993, the world changed. On April 28, 2020 we remembered the massacre of the Branch Davidians, a group of people who studied the Bible. They were burned up in their own home by the American government and their “Christian” counselors, who claimed they were “demon-possessed”. It was like a scene from the Middle Ages and the Inquisitions, when millions were killed because they studied the Bible.

Branch Davidians, Waco
Branch Davidians burn to death

Introduction to the Bible

Just about every US bookstore and library has a Bible. Eighty-two percent of American households possess at least one Bible. Sixty-six percent of American’s have “expressed at least some curiosity to know more about what the bible says.” The Bible covers a lot of ground, yet it says the same things over and over from the very start, all the way to the very end. It starts at a time before Adam and ends pointing to a time that is still yet to come. The Bible is a book that is very rarely read or understood, yet is in almost every US household. What path has the Bible taken to what is so readily available today? Why should you read it?


It was September 11, 1226 when the practice of what is known today as the “Perpetual Adoration of the Eucharist” first began. It was initiated in Avignon, France in celebration and thanksgiving for victory over the Albigensians in the Albigensian Crusade, the first of many Inquisitions launched by the papacy against those branded ‘heretics.’ They had finally completed the genocidal murder of the progeny of Y’hoshua and Mary Magdalene and their followers once and for all – they thought. Now they were free to perpetrate the biggest hoax upon Mankind that has ever been – without the interference of those people pointing out the Truth. What a day to celebrate.

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