bible study

046 The Foundation in Zion 3

The household of God is built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets with Jesus as the Cornerstone. These living stones represent people!  In this episode we continue with a look at the teachings of the prophets and apostles, the foundation of the Bride, New Jerusalem found in the Book of Revelation. 

We start with an introduction to the prophet Elijah. He is prophesied to come to restore the Kingdom to Israel.  From there we learn about the Exodus out of Egypt and the connection to the second exodus out of tribulation that is led by one like unto Moses.

From there the words of the prophets are presented through the lens of Jesus who quoted their words often.  In this episode we look at Jesus’s reference to Hosea who said God looks for mercy not sacrifice.  Finally, we end with Habakkuk and the message he received about the end times.  What did God teach him about those who do and do not keep the Law of God?

Topics covered in this PodCast are:
00:00 Introduction
02:10 The Prophet Elijah
25:18 A Prophet like Moses 2
36:22 The Prophets in the Words of Jesus
1:00:00 The Prophet Habakkuk 3
1:21:18 Discussion

Episode 002 – The Sabbath
Parable of the Good Samaritan
The Mark of the Beast

045 The Foundation in Zion 2

The household of God is built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets.  This household grows into a Holy Temple made up of living stones.  These stones are people, it is not a physical building!  In this episode we continue with a look at the teachings of the prophets and apostles, the foundation of the same Temple found in the Book of Revelation. 

We start with the new song spoken of throughout God’s Word.  Moses sang a new song and those at the end learn that same song.  Learn what it is and why it is important. Next, we look to Habakkuk and the message he received about the end times.  He said the just live by faith, but what does that mean?  Learn what faith is. 

From there we continue with a look at the Law and the Prophets.  Jesus said he came to fulfill the Law, not destroy it.  The prophets spoke of the ways of the wicked and the righteous.  A look back at history identifies who these people are.  Lastly, we take a deeper look at the Foundation and the living stones that make up the Temple of God.

Topics covered in this PodCast are:
00:00 Introduction
01:56 The Song of the Prophets
32:20 The Prophet Habakkuk 2
53:36 The Law and the Prophets
1:21:23 What is the Foundation 2
1:42:56 Discussion

Episode 002 – The Sabbath
Is the Believe and Receive Doctrine Biblical?

044 The Foundation in Zion

According to the second chapter of Ephesians the household of God is built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets. This household grows into a Holy Temple unto the Lord. Living stones, people, make up this household. It is not a physical building!

In this episode we introduce this household of God and its foundation. It is spoken about throughout the Bible and you may not even realize it! One Prophet, Habakkuk foretold of the enemies of God’s people, but without the Dead Sea Scrolls, you may not realize who they are today.

The Apostles were sent by Jesus to teach the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel. Learn about their teachings, where they went to find the Lost Tribes and which organization has been trying to undo their teachings ever since that time.

Lastly, there is a prophet who is likened onto Moses prophesied to come at the end. He interprets the teachings of the prophets and apostles so you can take your place as a knowledgeable living stone on the foundation of the Temple and the Household of God

Topics covered in this PodCast are:
00:00 Introduction
02:20 The Apostles and the Prophets
25:37 What is the Foundation
42:05 The Prophet Habakkuk
1:06:55 The Apostles and the Lost Sheep
1:39:19 A Prophet like Moses
1:52:56 Discussion

033 In the Last Days 7

With all the turmoil in the World today, are we in the Last days? The short answer is yes… but how do we know? This series of PodCasts will make it absolutely clear what time it is! We will also show you who the people of God are, what the people of God should be doing… and equally important, what they should not be doing.

What happened before the Passover and how does that relate to today? Why are there two Sacrificial Lambs in the Law? Who do the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse represent? Did you know that the Four Horsemen are already here? What do the Dead Sea Scrolls say about the Last Days? How does the Day of the LORD relate to the Passover?

In this podcast you will find the answers to these questions and many more.

Topics covered in this PodCast are:
00:00 Introduction
02:05 Before the Passover
23:02 Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
46:18 Two Lambs of God
1:11:47 Dead Sea Scrolls – Midrash on the Last Days
1:23:34 Passover – Day of the Lord
1:45:04 Discussion

Podcast Episode 9: Parables of the Lord 1
Podcast Episode 24: Signs of the End 3
Podcast Episode 25: Signs of the End 4
Podcast Episode 32: In the Last Days 6 (Passover)
How the Defense Industry Became a Defining Feature of the U.S. Economy
Wikipedia Dome of the Rock

031 In the Last Days 5

With all the turmoil in the World today, are we in the Last days? The short answer is yes… but how do we know? This series of PodCasts will make it absolutely clear what time it is! We will also show you who the people of God are, what the people of God should be doing… and equally important, what they should not be doing.

What is the Light of Knowledge? Could the signs in the Heavens in scripture be related to the Solar Eclipse? Did you know that the Menorah is a shadow of the light of seven days? What do the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse symbolize? Who can open the seven seals of Revelation chapter six? Did you know that upcoming celestial events are shadows of the Kingdom of Heaven?

In this podcast you will find the answers to these questions and many more.

Topics covered in this PodCast are:
00:00 Introduction
01:55 The Light of Knowledge
24:43 Signs in the Heavens – The Solar Eclipse 2
45:34 The Menorah – Light of Seven Days
57:30 Four Beasts or Living Creatures
1:16:11 Kingdom of Heaven in the Heavens
1:40:23 Discussion

Podcast Episode 9: The Parables of the Lord 1
Podcast Episode 20: Are your Biblical beliefs in the Bible 3
Podcast Episode 21: Are your Biblical beliefs in the Bible 4
The Egyptian Obelisk – What does it mean?

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