Messenger of the Covenant

042 The Messianic Kingdom

What is the Messianic Kingdom? What does Messiah or Messianic mean? Who is in the Messianic Kingdom? Who rules the Messianic Kingdom? Did you know there is actually a man shadowed in the Moon? Who is the Messenger of the covenant? When is the Messianic age? Tomorrow is June 24th, did you know that the numbers (6 x 24 = 144) represent both the man and the kingdom of the Messiah?

In this podcast you will find the answers to these questions and many more.

Topics covered in this PodCast are:
00:00 Introduction
01:47 Messianic Kingdom
23:37 Man in the Moon
43:17 Messenger of the Covenant
1:04:11 Messianic Age
1:27:57 Discussion

004 The Covenant

In this PodCast we will be discussing the Covenant between God and Israel.

What is the Covenant, who is the Covenant for and why is there a Covenant? Did you know that the Covenant is directly connected through Abraham to the stars and that those stars represent people? How about the New Covenant, did you know that God made a New Covenant with Israel after they broke the first one and that this New Covenant was to write His laws in their hearts and minds? Did you know that there is a Messenger of the Covenant prophesied to come whom Jesus said he would send? The answer to these questions and much more will be revealed in this PodCast.

John the Baptist Day – June 24th

Today, June 24th, is celebrated as St. John the Baptist Day or the Nativity of John the Baptist Day. He came to prepare the way of the Lord! In many countries it is a public holiday, tied to the Midsummer celebration of the season of summer usually held at a date around the Summer Solstice. It has pagan pre-Christian roots in Europe as a ‘good-luck’ goddess, Fortuna, day. But to followers of Christ, John was a per-curser to Christ himself, and a shadow of the Prophet Elijah prophesied to come at the end. He will baptize in the Holy Spirit and in fire! According to Jesus, there is no one greater, born of woman, than John in the Kingdom, except one.

Nativity of John the Baptist - June 24th

March Madness

The month of ‘March’ is named after Mars, the Roman god of war, which is madness in itself. The Romans have always been a war-like people. The original Roman calendar began with the month of March. Beginning with Spring, it is the time when they could all go out and begin fighting each other again. It was March Madness!

The God of War! WHAT??
Mars, the Roman god of war

January is named for the Roman god, Janus; February for a Roman festival of purification. These were added later when the calendar underwent another reformation. The way they keep changing times and dates is sheer madness!

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