prayer to cure covid

Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve!

The pastors of the people in America are paralyzed and confused by having to choose what to do. It is a case of the blind leading the blind; they are all groping in darkness. A recent article, ‘Many Bible Belt preachers silent on shots as COVID-19 surges’ on AP, states:

Those involved with the COVID-19 vaccination effort are having a problem getting pastors to publicly advocate for the shots because some have referred to them as “the mark of the beast,” a biblical reference in the Book of Revelation. They say it represents a reference to “allegiance to the devil.”

“Some pastors are hosting vaccination clinics and praying for more inoculations, while others are issuing fiery anti-vaccine sermons from their pulpits. Most are staying mum on the issue…”

Evangelical pastors in the Dark on COVID-19

While the Protestant Evangelicals remain silent, a major stockholder in the pharmaceutical companies has “demanded that all relevant stakeholders/stockholders exhaust all efforts to confront vaccine hesitancy…” They manifest themselves by their all-out efforts. And show themselves to be a House divided against itself.

Will God hear your Prayers?

Facebook has recently announced it wants to use its platform to hear the prayers of its members. Isn’t this just another marketing tool for them to make even more money on the data they collect? They say it will be a “tremendous tool to spread the Gospel of Christ.” Do they even know what that is or care? An “I prayed” button will be available for their faithful to chalk up numbers and algorithms. Prayer requests are already rolling in. One asks to pray for a job interview to go well.

Will Facebook hear this prayer? Apparently and they share it with all their readers to hear also. But is this the kind of prayer God will hear? NO! Not at all.

The word ‘pray’ or ‘prayer’ means ‘to offer devout petition, praise, thanks, etc. to God or an object of worship…’ An ‘object’ of worship is nothing more than a lifeless idol or image with eyes that cannot see and ears that cannot hear made by the hands of man. But what about God?

Facebook adds prayer posts for its faithful

Q&A: “Jesus ‘Healed the Sick’, can he Cure Covid?”

Heal the Sick

Open Bible, light from sun

Jesus was a healer, he healed the sick, but not in the way most of the world has come to understand. Most believe Jesus was a ‘miracle’ worker; making the blind to physically see, the deaf to physically hear and the lame to physically walk again. Jesus did not heal anyone – physically that is. What other “healing” could this be?

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