
Family Ties: A Special Relationship

There has been a “special relationship” between these two countries since their birth. They represent the two sons of Joseph, son of Israel, Ephraim and Manasseh. Family ties are hard to be broken. These two were born into Egypt in the years of plenty. Their father provided food for everyone in the time of the famine and was greatly admired. Although they’ve had their differences, like brothers, they always settle them and get along with each other in peace. This relationship is now being threatened to come to an end in hostility. It will be a time of Great Tribulation.

Manasseh and Ephraim – A Special Brotherly Relationship

The Harvest is at the End…

The Feast of Harvest, the ingathering of the Firstfruits into the House of God has begun at sunset which is at 6:49 PM, October 2, 2020. The full moon in harvest time is so called the Harvest Moon because it rises as the sun sets and gives light to the reapers all night long. Then as the moon goes down, the sun begins to rise.

The Full Harvest Moon
The Harvest Moon

Now hear the Word of the LORD! At the time of the Harvest, the Light of the Moon will be as the Light of the Sun…

“Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in THE DAY that the LORD binds up the breach of His people and heals the stroke of their wound.”

Isaiah 30:26

Jesus told a parable of the harvest of the ‘Wheat and the Tares’. When he had finished and everyone went home, his disciples came and asked him to explain it to them. Here’s what he said:

“The harvest is the end of the world…”

Jesus, The Gospel of Matthew 13:24-30, 34-43

Saint Bartholomew Remembered

Bartholomew was an Apostle of Jesus Christ. And with this story, comes the legend of the children of Israel, that is Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham. It highlights a portion in time when the people of God were in transgression and had been scattered throughout the earth, as they are to this day. For their help, He sent them His servants, the Prophets, His own son, Jesus, and his Apostles. In most every instance, they have been met with hostility and persecution because what they had to say was not well received. But they persevered because they had been sent by God Himself to correct His people and turn them back to Him.

August 24, is celebrated and remembered throughout Christendom as the feast day of the Apostle, Bartholomew. He was numbered among the twelve original Apostles who followed Jesus and were witnesses to all that he said and did. Before he died, Jesus sent them out to teach their brethren all things he had taught them. They were all tortured and killed, as Jesus was, for their testimony except one. That one was John who was exiled and from whom we have the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, the last book of the Bible. Jesus had twelve Apostles, one for each of the twelve tribes of the House of Israel/Jacob. Bartholomew was also known in the Gospels as Nathaniel. Jesus pointed to him and said, “Behold! an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!” (John 1:47)

According to ancient tradition, Christianity was first preached in Armenia by two Apostles of Christ, Thaddeus and Bartholomew. During the first three centuries of Christianity in Armenia its followers had to remain a hidden congregation because of persecution. Indeed Christ led his followers into being persecuted for his name’s sake, as were the Prophets before him. He had told them before-time to expect it. Even Paul/Saul persecuted followers of Christ before his conversion and then after that he himself was killed. (Acts 7-8)

martyrdom of Bartholomew
The Martyrdom of St. Bartholomew

Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing – Beware!

Many have tried to solve the identity of these ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing.’ This has been the great “mystery of iniquity” to be revealed at the time of the end! To find out the answer, let’s pay close attention to what Jesus/Y’hoshua said, in context, and then think deeply about what he said. He also said he would reveal things that have been kept secret from the foundation of the world to those who will seek for it, and at the end, ‘the weeds will become plainly visible.’

The Day the World Changed

On April 29, 1993, the world changed. On April 28, 2020 we remembered the massacre of the Branch Davidians, a group of people who studied the Bible. They were burned up in their own home by the American government and their “Christian” counselors, who claimed they were “demon-possessed”. It was like a scene from the Middle Ages and the Inquisitions, when millions were killed because they studied the Bible.

Branch Davidians, Waco
Branch Davidians burn to death

Branch Davidians: Innocent Blood not Forgotten

In the beginning… was innocent blood shed
“And Cain said to his brother Abel, surely if I slay you this day, who will require your blood from me? And Abel answered Cain, saying, surely God who has made us in the earth, He will avenge my cause and He will require my blood from you should you slay me, for the Lord is the judge and arbiter, and it is He who will requite man according to his evil, and the wicked according to his wickedness that he may do on the earth…
And Cain hastened and rose up, and took the iron part of his plowing instrument, with which he suddenly smote his brother and he slew him, and Cain spilt the blood of his brother Abel upon the earth, and the blood of Abel streamed upon the earth before the flock.”

The Book of Jasher 1:14-35

The Waco Tragedy Explained

Two years ago on April 18, 2018 this article by Tara Isabelle Burton, The Waco Tragedy explained, appeared marking the 25th anniversary of what she called: “of one of the strangest and most tragic incidents in American religious history: the bloody ending of the siege between FBI agents and members of the Branch Davidian religious group in Waco, Texas.”

Remember the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread

“You shall not be afraid of them, but shall well remember the Passover and what the LORD your God did to Pharaoh and to all Egypt… whereby the LORD your God brought you out: so shall the LORD your God do to all the people of whom you are afraid… You shall not be frightened at them, for the LORD your God is among you. A mighty God and awesome!”

Deuteronomy 7
The Plagues of Egypt

What a striking coincidence that the world is experiencing the same tribulation and darkness the Egyptians did in the time of Moses and at the Passover! And it IS the time of Passover! Which comes as an end to what has been but also as the time of a new and better beginning of what will be.

It’s What’s for Lent!

‘The season of Lent is upon us… a time of abstinence, fasting and penance.’ And alms giving… Or is it?

It’s what’s for Lent – What’s on your plate?

‘When you fast, don’t be as the hypocrites’. And ‘When you do your alms, don’t sound a trumpet as the hypocrites do… that they may have the glory of men…’ and…

‘Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees/Priests which is hypocrisy.’

Jesus (Matt 6:1-2, 16; Luke 12:1)

“The Trumpet shall Sound” The Day of the Lord is Here! (Part I)

In the Days of Noah

Jesus warned that the latter days at the time of the end, would be as the days of Noah (Matt 24:37). What would those days be like?

God looked upon the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.  And God said to Noah, The end of all flesh is come before Me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.”

Genesis 6:12-13

In the days of Noah, he alone was found to be righteous and perfect or blameless. Noah walked with God. He and those who were with him in the Ark were as a remnant and the only ones who remained alive. A similar situation exists here at the end of time. These are times of Tribulation such as the inhabitants of the earth have never seen before. The world is corrupt and filled with violence. There is no truth in it!

In the days of Noah the Flood came and took them all away,

Waiting for Rapture? You’re still here!

What is the doctrine of Rapture?

The idea of Rapture is NOT in the Bible! “According to some millenarian teaching, it is the “transport” of a “believer” from earth to heaven at the Second Coming of Christ.” They actually purport that “the chosen” will be lifted up bodily into the sky, leaving nothing but a pile of clothes behind.

Many characters in Roman mythology, including the Roman progenitor, Aeneas, have been lifted up bodily into heaven. He is recognized by them as the god, Jupiter, from whom they got the Black Madonna.  Millenarianism itself is actually based in Zoroastrianism which is an ancient pagan, Persian religion.

Bodily lift into Heaven
Belief in “Rapture”
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