Word of God

012 The Parables of the Lord 3

Parables in scripture both conceal and reveal the knowledge and wisdom of God. In Matthew, chapter thirteen, Jesus said he speaks in parables because it is not given to the multitudes to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven and he spoke not lest he spoke in parables. There are hidden meanings in the parables of Jesus that he only explained to his apostles, but in the Bible he did not explain them all.

In this PodCast we will again be revealing some of those hidden mysteries and looking at his parables in ways you may not have considered.

Parables covered in this PodCast are:
The Talents
The Three Measures of meal
The Wedding Feast and Garment
The Good Samaritan Part 4
The Wise and Foolish Builders

010 The Parables of the Lord 2

Parables are a way of making complex topics easier to understand, but did you know that Jesus also used parables as a cloak. There are hidden meanings in his parables that he only explained to his apostles, but in the Bible he did not explain them all.

In this PodCast we will be revealing some of those hidden mysteries and looking at his parables in ways you may not have considered.

Parables covered in this PodCast are:

The Sower
The Sheep and the Goats
The Wicked Husbandmen Part 2
The Fig Tree
The Good Samaritan Part 2

009 The Parables of the Lord 1

Parables are a way of making complex topics easier to understand, but did you know that Jesus also used parables as a cloak. There are hidden meanings in his parables that he only explained to his apostles, but in the Bible he did not explain them all.

In this PodCast we will be revealing some of those hidden mysteries and looking at his parables in ways you may not have considered.

Parables covered in this PodCast are:
The Good Samaritan
The Wheat and the Tares
The Wicked Tenants (Husbandmen)
The Wedding Feast

008 Spirit vs. Flesh

In this PodCast we will be discussing the difference between Spirit and Flesh in God’s Word. What does it mean to be Spirit filled? Is Circumcision literal? Is the Law of Clean and Unclean meats really about food? What about Halloween and the day of the dead… does this please God? Find out the answer to these questions and much more right here.

The Spirit of Truth

Illuminating the Word of God

Seven weeks and a day have passed since the time of Passover.  To Christians, this day is referred to as Pentecost and is remembered as the day when the apostles received the Holy Spirit.  It was first celebrated by the Israelites seven weeks after they were passed over by the last plague and delivered out of oppression.   It has been known as the Feast of Weeks throughout generations of Hebrews ever since.  The disciples of Y’hoshua observed this time, just as their forefathers had, as stated in the Acts of the Apostles.

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