Biblical Light

Articles using Scripture to show Light in God’s Word.

War on Christmas 2020

There has been a “War on Christmas” for thousands of years. Despite the name, it is not Christian. Whenever the Word of God is compared to Traditions of Man there is conflict. Whenever the House of Israel has been confronted by other nations, i.e. Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome, there has been conflict. Many of Israel have forsaken God’s Commandments against these pagan ways and followed them. On the other hand, many of Israel have lost their lives standing up for the Commandments of the God against these pagan nations and their traditions.

“A grapevine has been planted outside of the Father. But being unsound, it will be pulled up by its roots and destroyed.”

Maccabees forced to worship Zeus - "Christmas" - December 25th
Greeks tried to force Judeans of Israel to worship Zeus whose birthday was December 25th (1Maccabees 1-2)

The Bible’s Three Main Characters

Open Bible

Go and Find your Bible. Open to the Table of Contents and take a look. First thing you will see is a list of sixty-six books. How did all of these books come to be known as The Bible? What is the Bible about? Who are the main characters in the Bible? Is it just a history book or is it absolutely relevant to the present day? Let’s answer these questions by focusing on the three main characters that appear and reappear throughout the Bible. The three main characters are especially relevant to the present day.

A Momentous Occasion – 400-Year Anniversary

It is indeed a momentous occasion for America. Four hundred years ago, on November 11, 1620, the Pilgrims came ashore on land. That is now in Provincetown on Cape Cod. The Pilgrims’ story is a central theme in the history and culture of the United States of America. The Pilgrim Fathers were that band of Puritans who founded the colony of Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.

A pilgrim is defined a person who journeys a long distance to some sacred place as an act of devotion. They were escaping religious persecution and going to the Promised Land.

The Pilgrims Landing

“PROVINCETOWN – The year 1620 is etched in the annals of world history. It is the year a group of English settlers known as the Pilgrims seeking religious freedom boarded their ship, Mayflower. They braved a hazardous trip across the Atlantic Ocean to establish a new home.”

Plymouth Rock etched with the year 1620
Plymouth Rock – 1620

Seeing this date etched in Plymouth Rock is like seeing the writing on the Wall. “Mene, mene, teckel, upharsin” in the time of Daniel spelled the end for the Babylonian king and the end of the Babylonian captivity. It marks an especially important date for the people of God.

The Jubilee, Sound the Trumpet

The word jubile can mean, ‘the sound of a trumpet,’ ‘a trumpet-blast of liberty’ and/or ‘a shout of joy’. A Trumpet is commanded to sound in the Jubilee Year as signal of the year of release for all the people who will hear the sound and come to the ingathering of the congregation. It is a day of great rejoicing for the House of Israel, a Day of Atonement, salvation, liberty, restoration and comfort. In days of ole, the Jubilee year was announced by a blast on a shofar, an instrument made from a ram’s horn, during that year’s Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement.

The priest blowing the shofar
The Jubilee Shofar or Ram’s Horn was the Trumpet Sound

Q&A: “The Valley of Dry Bones”

Question: What is the meaning of “The Valley of Dry Bones”?

The Valley of Dry Bones is a reference to Ezekiel chapter 37 where we find him being carried away and set down in a valley filled with bones. They are a disconnected, dried up body whose bones are scattered, without life. Their hope is gone.

These ‘bones’ are the House of Israel, the Body of Christ.

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