
019 Are your Beliefs in the Bible 2

In this series of PodCasts we will be looking into Christian beliefs which are not in the Bible.

Does God consider some sins worse than others? Who are the wicked pastors? Why do Catholics refer to their pastors as Father? Is it correct that all you have to do is believe? Did Jesus die for your sins? Is modern Christianity biblical? Who are the wolves in sheep’s clothing? Is the doctrine of Trinity supported by scripture? Is it acceptable to add to scripture if it supports your belief?

In this podcast you will find the answers to these questions and many more.

Topics covered in this PodCast are:
Mortal Sin
Believe and Receive
Modern Christianity
The Doctrine of the Trinity 2

015 More about Christmas

This PodCast looks at the symbolism and history of the ancient festival known as Christmas today, where it comes from and what, if anything, it has to do with Jesus and his birth.

Did you know that Christmas was banned in early America, why? Did you know that Christmas is mentioned in the Bible, both Old and New Testaments? Did you know that Santa Claus was a pedophile priest? Did you know that the virgin birth is a pagan belief associated with sun god worship, that dates back to the time of Adam and Eve? Did you know that the Sun, Moon and Stars are spoken of in scripture as shadows of the servants of God and not gods.

Topics covered in this PodCast are:
Christmas in early America and the Old Testament
Is Christmas mentioned in the Bible
Santa Claus – righteous or wicked
The true Virgin Birth
The Winter Solstice as it relates to Christmas

005 The Books 1

In this PodCast we will be discussing some of the valid scriptural books which are not contained in the Bible. Most Christians don’t even know these books exist due mostly to suppression by “Orthodox” Christianity for the last two millennia. Some, like the Dead Sea Scrolls and The Nag Hammadi Library were just recently rediscovered in the 1940’s and 50’s. The books we will be presenting in this and the next video open up concepts in God’s Word that few Christians have ever considered.

The Books we will be covering in this PodCast are:

  • The Book of Enoch
  • The Book of Jasher
  • The Apocrypha
  • The Nag Hammadi Library
  • The Book of Barnabas

002 The Sabbath of the Lord

In this PodCast we will be discussing the Sabbath of the Lord.

Most of Christianity believe it is Sunday, some believe it is Saturday, yet neither of these is correct.
In this video we will explain what and when the Sabbath of the Lord is and how to keep it. You may be surprised to find out that it is not a day of the week.

001 Firm Proof of the Creator

In this PodCast we will be discussing the Video “The Firm Proof of the Creator” which is located on the home page of

In Luke 21:25, Jesus said “… there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring.” In this video we will be discussing those signs, when they occur and what they mean.

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