Keep the Law

046 The Foundation in Zion 3

The household of God is built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets with Jesus as the Cornerstone. These living stones represent people!  In this episode we continue with a look at the teachings of the prophets and apostles, the foundation of the Bride, New Jerusalem found in the Book of Revelation. 

We start with an introduction to the prophet Elijah. He is prophesied to come to restore the Kingdom to Israel.  From there we learn about the Exodus out of Egypt and the connection to the second exodus out of tribulation that is led by one like unto Moses.

From there the words of the prophets are presented through the lens of Jesus who quoted their words often.  In this episode we look at Jesus’s reference to Hosea who said God looks for mercy not sacrifice.  Finally, we end with Habakkuk and the message he received about the end times.  What did God teach him about those who do and do not keep the Law of God?

Topics covered in this PodCast are:
00:00 Introduction
02:10 The Prophet Elijah
25:18 A Prophet like Moses 2
36:22 The Prophets in the Words of Jesus
1:00:00 The Prophet Habakkuk 3
1:21:18 Discussion

Episode 002 – The Sabbath
Parable of the Good Samaritan
The Mark of the Beast

Time of the Passover

Two major holidays are celebrated this April, Passover and Easter. One has to do with Y’hoshua (Jesus), while the other does not. But it’s not the one you think.

The Book Of Exodus

Passover is the time when Jews remember the “passing over” of the plague in Egypt on the night prior to their exodus out of Egypt. Easter and the associated “Maunday Thursday” and “Good Friday” are a Christian celebration of the death of Y’hoshua. Which one actually has something to do with Y’hoshua? Which one did he acknowledge?

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