Catholic Church

Introduction to the Bible

Just about every US bookstore and library has a Bible. Eighty-two percent of American households possess at least one Bible. Sixty-six percent of American’s have “expressed at least some curiosity to know more about what the bible says.” The Bible covers a lot of ground, yet it says the same things over and over from the very start, all the way to the very end. It starts at a time before Adam and ends pointing to a time that is still yet to come. The Bible is a book that is very rarely read or understood, yet is in almost every US household. What path has the Bible taken to what is so readily available today? Why should you read it?

The Federal Reserve System – Part 2

Last year at this time I wrote, the Federal Reserve System – Part 1 citing the 104th anniversary of the Federal Reserve Bank. December 23rd will mark one hundred and five years since the robber barons brought this system into law during the Christmas vacation of the United States Senate. President Woodrow Wilson signed it. Since that time American debt has gone up exponentially!

Woodrow Wilson
President Woodrow Wilson realized he had sold his country out

Francis Addresses Abuse Scandal – The Devil Did It!

“Pope” Francis is up to the church’s old tricks.  Deflect and distract.  Every day for the month of October, he has asked “the faithful” to pray the rosary and to pray to Michael the Archangel.  What are they praying for?  In response to the ever-expanding abuse scandal, Francis has asked them to pray “to repel the attacks of the Devil who wants to divide the Church.”  During a morning mass in September, Francis addressed exactly what these attacks against the church were.

“In these times, it seems like the Great Accuser has been unchained and is attacking bishops.  True, we are all sinners, we bishops.  He tries to uncover the sins, so they are visible in order to scandalize the people.  Let us pray, today, for our bishops: for me, for those who are here, and for all the bishops throughout the world.”  Francis

Apostles Refute the Apostles’ Creed

The Apostles Creed is recited across many of the “Christian” religions.  This creed is a “statement of faith” often used as part of baptismal ceremonies.  In the previous article on this subject, we showed that the apostles themselves would not even know the Apostles Creed.  It was fabricated three hundred years after Jesus and the Apostles under the influence of Babylonian, Greek, and Roman worship practices.  These practices are contrary to God’s Word.

Let’s look more closely at this creed and at what Jesus and the Apostles themselves had to say.  To begin, what exactly is the creed?

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