
John the Baptist Day – June 24th

Today, June 24th, is celebrated as St. John the Baptist Day or the Nativity of John the Baptist Day. He came to prepare the way of the Lord! In many countries it is a public holiday, tied to the Midsummer celebration of the season of summer usually held at a date around the Summer Solstice. It has pagan pre-Christian roots in Europe as a ‘good-luck’ goddess, Fortuna, day. But to followers of Christ, John was a per-curser to Christ himself, and a shadow of the Prophet Elijah prophesied to come at the end. He will baptize in the Holy Spirit and in fire! According to Jesus, there is no one greater, born of woman, than John in the Kingdom, except one.

Nativity of John the Baptist - June 24th

Great Signs in the Heavens

More ‘Great Signs‘ are taking place in the Heavens for all to see. There is a ‘Grand Celestial Alignment’ of planets along with the Sun and Moon taking place in the mornings to come and is set to peak on Friday, June 24, 2022. They will appear before sunrise in the order of their distance from the Sun. First in the order: Saturn in the constellation of Aquarius; Jupiter, Neptune (unseen) and Mars in Pisces; the Moon in Aries; Venus and Mercury along with the Sun, in Taurus. This is a span from one Cardinal Point in the Zodiac to another, the celestial Bull of Taurus and the Man with the water pitcher in Aquarius. This represents a quarter of the Zodiacal clock.

The morning sky on June 24, 2022

Q&A: Is the Holy Spirit a person we can see?

“Is the Holy Spirit a person we can know and see as Lord Jesus teaches in the Gospel of John chapters 14; 15; and 16?”

In the Gospel of John, chapters 14, 15 and 16, Jesus refers to one he calls “the Comforter”, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, whom he said the Father would send in his Name at the appointed time: “He shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said to you.”

The clues to who this person is are contained in these references. Lets take a look…

A House Divided Against Itself

One hundred and sixty three years ago, on June 16, 1858, the newly chosen candidate for the U.S. Senate, Abraham Lincoln, delivered a speech to his colleagues. His goal was to unite them in their on-going discussions and disagreements about whether to abolish slavery or not. In his effort to get them into an agreement, he said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” Now whenever that phrase is heard, it is attributed to President Lincoln, but he was quoting someone else! And that someone was Jesus Christ! What was the original context?

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