
031 In the Last Days 5

With all the turmoil in the World today, are we in the Last days? The short answer is yes… but how do we know? This series of PodCasts will make it absolutely clear what time it is! We will also show you who the people of God are, what the people of God should be doing… and equally important, what they should not be doing.

What is the Light of Knowledge? Could the signs in the Heavens in scripture be related to the Solar Eclipse? Did you know that the Menorah is a shadow of the light of seven days? What do the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse symbolize? Who can open the seven seals of Revelation chapter six? Did you know that upcoming celestial events are shadows of the Kingdom of Heaven?

In this podcast you will find the answers to these questions and many more.

Topics covered in this PodCast are:
00:00 Introduction
01:55 The Light of Knowledge
24:43 Signs in the Heavens – The Solar Eclipse 2
45:34 The Menorah – Light of Seven Days
57:30 Four Beasts or Living Creatures
1:16:11 Kingdom of Heaven in the Heavens
1:40:23 Discussion

Podcast Episode 9: The Parables of the Lord 1
Podcast Episode 20: Are your Biblical beliefs in the Bible 3
Podcast Episode 21: Are your Biblical beliefs in the Bible 4
The Egyptian Obelisk – What does it mean?

Time of the Feast of Weeks

Spring Wheat

God calls for three feast times during a year. May 31st, 2020 is the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost. Last month we looked at Passover and the associated Feast of Unleavened bread.  We learned about the shadows that are contained within these Holy Days and the time of their occurrence.  The detailed instructions of those occasions are actually prophecies of events that happened at the time of Y’hoshua (Jesus) as well as right now!  Could the same be true for the ‘Feast of Weeks?’  Absolutely!

As a refresher, one aspect of Passover is the connection to the time of the Sabbath in God’s time.  The menorah represents that seven-fold light of time, Y’hoshua is shadowed in the center shaft or vine in both his role as the Passover lamb and the time in history when he was alive.

Time of the Passover

Two major holidays are celebrated this April, Passover and Easter. One has to do with Y’hoshua (Jesus), while the other does not. But it’s not the one you think.

The Book Of Exodus

Passover is the time when Jews remember the “passing over” of the plague in Egypt on the night prior to their exodus out of Egypt. Easter and the associated “Maunday Thursday” and “Good Friday” are a Christian celebration of the death of Y’hoshua. Which one actually has something to do with Y’hoshua? Which one did he acknowledge?

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