
033 In the Last Days 7

With all the turmoil in the World today, are we in the Last days? The short answer is yes… but how do we know? This series of PodCasts will make it absolutely clear what time it is! We will also show you who the people of God are, what the people of God should be doing… and equally important, what they should not be doing.

What happened before the Passover and how does that relate to today? Why are there two Sacrificial Lambs in the Law? Who do the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse represent? Did you know that the Four Horsemen are already here? What do the Dead Sea Scrolls say about the Last Days? How does the Day of the LORD relate to the Passover?

In this podcast you will find the answers to these questions and many more.

Topics covered in this PodCast are:
00:00 Introduction
02:05 Before the Passover
23:02 Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
46:18 Two Lambs of God
1:11:47 Dead Sea Scrolls – Midrash on the Last Days
1:23:34 Passover – Day of the Lord
1:45:04 Discussion

Podcast Episode 9: Parables of the Lord 1
Podcast Episode 24: Signs of the End 3
Podcast Episode 25: Signs of the End 4
Podcast Episode 32: In the Last Days 6 (Passover)
How the Defense Industry Became a Defining Feature of the U.S. Economy
Wikipedia Dome of the Rock

032 In the Last Days 6 (Passover)

With all the turmoil in the World today, are we in the Last days? The short answer is yes… but how do we know? This series of PodCasts will make it absolutely clear what time it is! We will also show you who the people of God are, what the people of God should be doing… and equally important, what they should not be doing.

Is Passover a shadow of the Last Days? Why is Jesus referred to as the Passover Lamb? Did Jesus die for the sins of the world? What do the items in the Passover Meal represent? Why did Jesus say he was not the Branch of David? Is Jesus the Lamb that unseals the Book in Revelation? What are the signs in the Passover Moon?

In this podcast you will find the answers to these questions and many more.

Topics covered in this PodCast are:
00:00 Introduction
01:45 Lamb of God
23:01 Passover Meal
40:31 Lamb that Looses the Seven Seals
1:05:46 Passover Moon
1:22:32 Discussion

The Passover Lamb

According to the encyclopedia: “the Passover sacrifice, also known as the Paschal lamb or the Passover lamb, is the sacrifice that the Torah mandates the Israelites to ritually slaughter on the evening of Passover, and eat on the first night of the holiday with bitter herbs and matzo.”

The Spotless Lamb of God

Take a look here and see how much deeper the meaning of this Feast goes as it relates to Christ, our Salvation and Deliverance. For the time is at hand!

The Passover Moon

On April 5th, 2023 people around the world will remember the Passover. In the time of Moses, God’s wrath passed over the Israelites but not their oppressors the Egyptians. This led to the exodus out of Egypt. One aspect of the timing of Passover is that it coincides with a full moon! God said there will be signs or indications in the moon. With that, we look to the indications in the moon relating to the very first Passover and the next one to come in God’s time, not next week.

“And God said, Let there be lights in the Firmament of the Heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years.”

Genesis 1:14

The Pentecost and the Promise of God

This is a day celebrated by both the ‘Jews’ and the ‘Christians’ only in different ways. This being one of the feasts ordained by God for the children of Israel to observe throughout their generations. It marks the fiftieth day (7 weeks plus one day) after the Passover or Exodus of Israel out of Egypt. It is in commemoration of the day Moses received the Tablets of the Law. This was to establish the Covenant between God and Israel. The Feast of Weeks or Shavuot and to bring in the firstfruits of the harvest.

By some, May 31, 2020 will be celebrated as the Pentecost (the Greek word for fifty). Is it just a day to go to church and pay your tithe or is there something else there hidden from view? What is the significance?

Others, from the evenings of May 28 to May 30 will be celebrating the “Feast of Weeks.” It also commemorates the Feast of the Firstfruits when the firstfruits of the wheat harvest were to be brought before God in thanksgiving. Is it just a harvest or tithe of wheat? Is it a time to eat cheese? Or is there something hidden from view? What is the significance?

Moses with the Tablets of the Law, the Ten Commandments, the Covenant between God and Israel
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