Pope Francis

Off to See the Wizard

On October 29th, Joe and Jill Biden will pay a visit to the Pope. Biden’s visit is publicly focused on discussing issues like human rights, climate change and the poor. This year, the list of topics includes ending the COVID-19 pandemic, something the Pope previously asked Mary to do.

But the main ‘brew-ha-ha’ circling this particular Vatican visit is regarding Biden’s desire to eat a cracker.

Biden want a cracker?

The Cardinal’s Sins

Clerical Sex Abuse CartoonThe Roman Catholic Church has been rocked, once again, by revelations of atrocious crimes committed by the clergy and Cardinals.  The  Pennsylvania Grand Jury Investigation Report documents the latest revelations.  Stop and read the report introduction.  It can be found here for download or here to read online.  Some of the main takeaways are as follows:

  • The Roman Catholic Church acted as if following “a playbook for concealing the truth.”1Reference page 3 of the introduction.  Members from the FBI National Center for Analysis of Violent Crimes assisted with this determination.
  • The Church has put its reputation above the welfare of children.
  • The Church does not and has not followed Civil Laws by failing to report predator priests to law enforcement.

With this in mind, consider the structure of the Roman Catholic Church.  The “pope” or Pontifex Maximus is at the top, followed by the red hat Cardinals.  There are currently 224 Cardinals, of which 16 reside in the United States.

The Pope selects the Cardinals.  Likewise, the Cardinals elect the Pope.   Birds of a feather, flock together.  

These 225 leaders “shepherd” 1.2 billion Catholics worldwide.  That congregation includes A LOT of children.  It is time to look deeper into these unclean birds.  What is going on and above all, where is God?!

Exposing Jesuit Influence, Past and Present

The Jesuits have a long history of involvement with governments and politics, all the way back to their very beginning.  But before we dive into this history, as a quick refresher, the previous Jesuit article looked at the current role of a Jesuit Catholic as the US House Chaplain.  He opens meetings with a prayer, conducts ceremonies and provides guidance to the members of the House.  The government purports a separation of church and state.  All the while, they fund a Jesuit to a full-time government job.  He is fully integrated into the day to day activities of the House.  This is not the first time the Jesuits have inserted themselves into the inner workings of government.  They have been expelled from multiple countries for doing so, even by the Vatican itself!

Francis Approves Accountability Smokescreen

Rome, Italy

On June 10th, the Vatican announced the initiation of a “new accountability process” for their organization in regards to their internal reporting and handling of bishops accused of “abuse of office” when it comes to how they handle child abusers. The process was drafted by the popes Commission for the Protection of Minors which is led by Boston Cardinal Sean O’Malley. Catholic leaders and laity are calling this system a potential “breakthrough moment on an issue that has plagued the church globally”.

“Bring Out Your Dead!” … Men’s Bones

Rome, Italy
The Catholic Church has gotten a lot of press this year with Francis’s more “modern” public relations campaign. While they have stepped up their attempts to relate to the technologically driven social media world, they maintain their long traditions of glorifying the dead, worshiping idols and perpetrating traditions that have NOTHING to do with God, but are against Him.

This week, the Church will put a spotlight on their pagan foundations by parading bones they “traditionally believe” to be those of Peter. This event will close the “Year of Faith” started by Ratzinger, who lost faith in his ability to be Pope back in February. The word Faith in the Catholic understanding is to “just believe” in something, for example that dead men’s bones are for “venerating”. Venerating bones is a direct violation of God’s Command against worshiping idols. To worship something is to “Give Worth”. Worshiping idols is commanded against from the beginning of God’s Word.

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