
Are Your “Biblical” Beliefs in the Bible?

Many have come in God’s authority and have deceived the majority. This has been prophesied in God’s Word, the Bible, to come upon the world from the very beginning to the end.

Just as Eve was deceived by the serpent, so it says in the last book of the Bible, that “Old Serpent” has deceived the whole world. (Gen 3:13; Rev 12:9)

Let’s begin by looking at just a few things that have been said by God’s Son and His servants, the Prophets in His Word.

“Many shall come in My Name”

Jesus/Y’hoshua was asked by his disciples, what would be the signs of the end of the age. He answered them and said:

Traditions Make Void the Word of God

The Christmas Tree, advent calendar, Christmas stocking, the mistletoe and candle light services are all traditions followed as a way of celebrating the Christmas Holiday.  God’s Word warns that traditions make void the Word of God, therefore, you should stop and ask yourself, “Is God referring to any of my traditions?”  How exactly do traditions make the Word of God “void”?

Santa Claus is coming to town so hide your children

Santa Claus or pedophile?

“Santa Claus is Coming to Town” was first sung on Eddie Cantor’s radio show in 1934 and is the third most popular Christmas song of all time.  Jolly old Saint Nick or Santa Claus was an Orthodox Catholic Priest in the 3rd century and due to his habit of secret gift giving he became the patron saint of children among other things.  When you consider that the Catholic Church is the most pedophilic organization to ever exist, the words to this song are downright scary.  How would you feel if a pedophile was saying these things to your child?

Santa Claus is Coming to town

You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
I’m telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town

He’s making a list
And checking it twice
Gonna find out who’s naughty and nice
Santa Claus is coming to town

He sees you when you’re sleeping
He knows when you’re awake
He knows if you’ve been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!

O! You better watch out!
You better not cry
Better not pout
I’m telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
Santa Claus is coming to town


Christmas Violates Commands of God

Christmas, December 25th, is celebrated as the day Jesus was born.  How did this come to be?  Is this celebration a violation of God’s Commands?

Scholars have filled many books with arguments as to when Jesus was born.  Nowhere in Scripture is any significance given to a person’s date of birth.  It was not until the third century that the festival of Christmas was heard of.  It did not gain observers until well into the fourth century.  The first recorded “Christian” Christmas celebration on December 25th was in Rome in 336AD.  However, by this time, most other religions in the empire were already celebrating the birth of their gods on December 25th.  They had been doing so for centuries.

The Real Origins of Christmas

“God is Not the God of the Dead”

Halloween and the Days of the Dead

Halloween (“Holy Eve”), All Soul’s Day, All Saint’s Day and the Day of the Dead will be here shortly. But what are the roots of these special Days of the Dead? When we trace them all the way back to their origin, we find they came from ancient Egypt when the people were caused to worship and make sacrifices to their dead Pharaoh, their “Commander-in-chief”. The name translated ‘Egypt’ in the Bible is actually ‘Mitzraim’ which was one of the sons of Noah’s son, Ham. His other sons were Canaan, Cush and Phut. All these are the root of oppression, false religions upon the earth. Starting from their departure from the Ark of Noah, they all united under Nimrod, Cush’a son.

The Evolution of Halloween and the Day of the Dead – Exposing the Roots
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