
007 The Promised Land

In this PodCast we will be discussing the Promised Land of God. What it is, Where it is, Who it belongs to and Why as well as When it will come into their hands.

Is the Promised Land that strip of land called Israel, in Palestine which never ceases to be at war? Why are so many Christians in support of this violent place? Have they never read Vengeance is mine says the Lord? No, the way of peace they know not. (Deu 32:35, Rom 12:19, Isa 59:8 and Rom 3:17) Remember, God destroyed the earth because of violence. (Gen 6:11-13)

Prophecy Monthly – April 2023

This past month has been marred by wars, sexual abuse scandals and extreme solar weather, all prophesied of long ago. The following map is a summary of current events related to prophecy. Below the map you will find the event details and relevant scriptural references. Many people have been taught God’s Word in the past tense. This is incorrect. The teachings and scenarios in the Bible and God’s Word are all prophetic pointing to a future time, and that time is now.

Prophecy Monthly – March 2023

The following map is a summary of current events. Below the map you will find the event details and relevant scriptural references. Many people have been taught God’s Word in the past tense. This is incorrect. The teachings and scenarios in the Bible and God’s Word are all prophetic for a future time, and that time is now.

Response to 2023 State of the Union

What words would you use to describe the message given during Biden’s State of the Union speech? He would like it to have been a message of optimism and strength, jobs and democracy. But to many watching the ‘show’, the message of chaos, confusion, division and crisis is much more appropriate. Not just from the words, but from the interactions.

A World in Crisis

Biden sauntered into his speech by declaring America is the ‘only country that has emerged from every crisis stronger’, and that ‘that‘s what we’re doing again’ referring to the COVID-19 pandemic. But this isn’t the only crisis he acknowledged on Tuesday. From here Biden covered the debt crisis, the climate crisis even calling it an existential threat, the mental health crisis, the opioid and fentanyl crisis, violence in America and abroad, food insecurity on a worldwide scale and unbearable healthcare costs.

Back to the Basics: Noah’s Ark

Noah's Ark with Rainbow

The story of Noah’s Ark and the Flood has been taught throughout the world to billions of people, most when they were very young kids. For many it’s one of the first ‘Bible Stories’ they hear. Thousands of children’s books are sold with brightly colored graphics depicting a happy Noah in a boat filled with adorable smiling animals and framed by a rainbow. What’s amazing is this is not even, in the remotest sense, a children’s story. It is a much more serious scenario that most adults, due to their first introduction to it as children, have never considered. Are you ready to consider it now?

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