
Y’hoshua is the Hebrew name of Jesus.  Learn about Y’hoshua, what he taught and what he did.

Passed Over by the Plague

The Passover originates from a story in the Book of Exodus that took place when the people of Israel were living in captivity in the land of oppression, also known as Egypt.  God had told Moses that he would bring a plague on the land of oppression but that He would cover the people of Israel in order to make it known that God was making a difference between the Egyptians & the people of Israel.  This should sound awfully familiar as we are living in a land filled with oppression that currently has a plague sweeping through it.

Apostolic Succession

This article will answer the question of “Apostolic Succession,” what it is, who has claimed it for themselves, and to whom it rightfully belongs.

Jesus warned to watch out for “false prophets/teachers who come to you as wolves in sheep’s clothing.” The Book of Revelation states that the “whole world” has been deceived by a certain religious entity who is the “Mother” of them all. Let’s take a closer look at this and see what it all means.

Roman Pontifex Maximus claims succession to Christ

Jesus is Not God

Jesus is not God.  Jesus, more accurately known as Y’hoshua, is a son or child of God, one of many.  Most “Christian” religions teach that Jesus and God are one and the same.  Jesus himself said otherwise.  Where?

 “…Why call you me good? there is none good but one, that is, God…”  Matthew 19:17

“God is Not the God of the Dead”

Halloween and the Days of the Dead

Halloween (“Holy Eve”), All Soul’s Day, All Saint’s Day and the Day of the Dead will be here shortly. But what are the roots of these special Days of the Dead? When we trace them all the way back to their origin, we find they came from ancient Egypt when the people were caused to worship and make sacrifices to their dead Pharaoh, their “Commander-in-chief”. The name translated ‘Egypt’ in the Bible is actually ‘Mitzraim’ which was one of the sons of Noah’s son, Ham. His other sons were Canaan, Cush and Phut. All these are the root of oppression, false religions upon the earth. Starting from their departure from the Ark of Noah, they all united under Nimrod, Cush’a son.

The Evolution of Halloween and the Day of the Dead – Exposing the Roots
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