Law of God

Apostles Refute the Apostles’ Creed

The Apostles Creed is recited across many of the “Christian” religions.  This creed is a “statement of faith” often used as part of baptismal ceremonies.  In the previous article on this subject, we showed that the apostles themselves would not even know the Apostles Creed.  It was fabricated three hundred years after Jesus and the Apostles under the influence of Babylonian, Greek, and Roman worship practices.  These practices are contrary to God’s Word.

Let’s look more closely at this creed and at what Jesus and the Apostles themselves had to say.  To begin, what exactly is the creed?

Deception: The Moral Failure of Religious Institutions

The Religious section of the News used to tell of services provided and charitable deeds of congregants. But now, nothing but scandal, war stories, child abuse/rape, suicide bombings, financial embezzlement, money laundering, idolatry, LGBT parades, protests, disputes, intolerance, discrimination, deception, death and the general ‘moral failure’ of the leaders of all religious institutions. None do good, no not one!

The Wages of Sin…

“Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” Rom 1:32

The Roman pontiff is now on a mission to completely abolish the death penalty in all countries in all cases. He told the crowd at the Vatican: “The commandment “You shall not kill,” has absolute value and applies to both the innocent and the guilty.” He’s saying that no matter how grievous the crime, someone never loses his or her human dignity. Deception: he has taken The Jesuit Extreme Oath to exterminate all Protestants and heretics from the face of the earth!  The Jesuits have long been an influence on government.

Reeling from scandal with waves of horror

Many articles begin by pointing out that the Vatican is “reeling” from all the scandalous behavior being revealed by their clergy in years past. Deception: The hierarchy has said all along they didn’t know anything about it, but the fact is that it has been common knowledge among the hierarchy who has covered it all up and shuffled pedophile priests around the globe. You can only sweep so much under the carpet before the lumps become visible or you can smell the stink. Now stories of the highly placed Theodore Cardinal McCarrick’s (of Washington DC) sexual abuse is “sending waves of horror through the Church.” The pope knew all about it! He happens to be a fellow Jesuit with the pope who once said proudly that his colleagues in the church are “word-smiths.” What did he mean by that?

Fornicates with the Rulers of the Earth!
Disgraced Cardinal McCarrick with President George W. Bush and Supreme Court Justice John Roberts at the annual “Red Mass” for judges, lawyers, law school professors, law students and government officials.

What the heck is a “Religious Liberty Task Force”?

On Monday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the creation of a Religious Liberty Task Force. It’s purpose is to ensure that the Justice Department is prioritizing the rights of religious people and groups in its policies and legal battles by enforcing his “religious liberty” memo issued last October.

I’m visualizing black clad commandos rappelling from Black Hawk helicopters into Planned Parenthood clinics.  Ok, so that is probably not how it will go down, but like all politics this is just smoke and mirrors covering a hidden agenda. You’re probably thinking “Hey, I want religious liberty”, but ask yourself this, whose religion and at what cost? This is Jeff Sessions’ “religious liberty” memo which means his belief and his religion are the focus. The Attorney General’s job is to protect all liberties and stay out of religion.  Remember the separation of church and state? …

Jesuit Chaplain – Guilty by Association

Patick Conroy Jesuit House ChaplainPatrick Conroy, a Jesuit Catholic, has been sworn back into office this week as the US House Chaplain after a couple of turbulent weeks.  Paul  Ryan met significant criticism from the Catholic members of Congress after asking for Conroy’s resignation in April.  Initially, Conroy conceded and he turned in a resignation letter.  Conroy rescinded his letter last week after receiving significant support from Nancy Pelosi and others.  His on-again, off-again position in this role has brought the House Chaplain role to the front pages.  What is this role all about and who is Patrick Conroy?  The findings are alarming and full of hypocrisy!

“A Nation in Grief” – A Time of Great Tribulation

On Wednesday, February 14th it happened to be Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent and the culmination of Carnival, filled with pagan festivities. It was also Valentine’s Day, another pagan ritual. On that same afternoon a disturbed young man walked into a school and shot and killed 17 people and wounded 15 in what is now being called “one of the deadliest school shootings in modern American history.” Trump calls it a “terrible violence, hatred and evil.” In other words, Great Tribulation! “Copycat” threats are now being made to schools all around the nation. “How should one chase a thousand and two put ten thousand to flight except their Rock has sold them…?” This is all Madness of Mind!

The suspect went to his former school and pulled a semi-automatic AR-15 rifle out of his backpack. This rifle is marketed as the “Crusader,” and comes with a biblical verse from Psalm of David, 144, etched in it: “”Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.”

"In God we trust"
The Crusader – AR-15

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