Law of God

001 Firm Proof of the Creator

In this PodCast we will be discussing the Video “The Firm Proof of the Creator” which is located on the home page of

In Luke 21:25, Jesus said “… there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring.” In this video we will be discussing those signs, when they occur and what they mean.

Time of the Passover

Two major holidays are celebrated this April, Passover and Easter. One has to do with Y’hoshua (Jesus), while the other does not. But it’s not the one you think.

The Book Of Exodus

Passover is the time when Jews remember the “passing over” of the plague in Egypt on the night prior to their exodus out of Egypt. Easter and the associated “Maunday Thursday” and “Good Friday” are a Christian celebration of the death of Y’hoshua. Which one actually has something to do with Y’hoshua? Which one did he acknowledge?

The Federal Reserve System – Part 2

Last year at this time I wrote, the Federal Reserve System – Part 1 citing the 104th anniversary of the Federal Reserve Bank. December 23rd will mark one hundred and five years since the robber barons brought this system into law during the Christmas vacation of the United States Senate. President Woodrow Wilson signed it. Since that time American debt has gone up exponentially!

Woodrow Wilson
President Woodrow Wilson realized he had sold his country out

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