The Firmament

002 The Sabbath of the Lord

In this PodCast we will be discussing the Sabbath of the Lord.

Most of Christianity believe it is Sunday, some believe it is Saturday, yet neither of these is correct.
In this video we will explain what and when the Sabbath of the Lord is and how to keep it. You may be surprised to find out that it is not a day of the week.

Apostolic Succession

This article will answer the question of “Apostolic Succession,” what it is, who has claimed it for themselves, and to whom it rightfully belongs.

Jesus warned to watch out for “false prophets/teachers who come to you as wolves in sheep’s clothing.” The Book of Revelation states that the “whole world” has been deceived by a certain religious entity who is the “Mother” of them all. Let’s take a closer look at this and see what it all means.

Roman Pontifex Maximus claims succession to Christ

Return to ME

God speaks in mental pictures. If you consider the relationship between a man and a woman as a similitude of the relationship between God and His people, you can understand how He feels when His woman gives her good stuff to another.  In many different places, God makes mention of Israel as His wife and He is as her husband.

In Ezekiel, chapter 23, Israel – the northern kingdom of Samaria is spoken of as Ahola and her sister Judah is as Aholibah.  First Ahola committed whoredoms with the Assyrians and she defiled herself with idols.  Hence; idolatry is equated with committing adultery against God.  When Aholibah /Judah saw this, she did more in her whoredoms than her sister.

Both of these sisters committed whoredoms in that they turned away from their husband and doted after other gods.  For this reason, their God gave them over to their lovers and their ways.  For this reason, they have been oppressed and given over to all manner of suffering.  But if they return to Him, He has promised to take them back.

They say, if a man put away his wife and she goes from him and become another man’s, shall he return unto her again? Shall not that land be greatly polluted? But you have played the harlot with many lovers; yet return again to me, says the Lord.

Lift up your eyes unto the high places, and see where you have not been lain with.  In the ways you have sat for them as the Arabian in the wilderness; and you have polluted the land with your whoredoms and with your wickedness.


American Woman, by Lenny Kravitz

A Time for Everything

A Time for Everything - Stars Turning

“To every thing there is a set time,

and a time to every purpose under heaven:” (Eccl 3:1)

Ever since the foundation of the world, there has been a set time for everything in the heavens.  This is fairly common knowledge, as there are apps that can show you what the sky looked like on any given date.  Just like the Moon, planets, & stars follow a certain path in the sky and never deviate from it regardless of the year of their appearance, the same is done on Earth by those of God.

“A time to be born & a time to die…

…a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which has been planted;” (Eccl 3:2)

The Prophets of God have always come at a certain time, and that time has always been the perfect time of their appearance on the stage of history.  When they have proclaimed God’s Word, they have both planted the Good Seed in the minds of those who hear & plucked up the false grains grown from bad seed. (see Matt 13)  Those announcing the Righteous Message of God do so at the perfect time and then leave when their time is done.

Likewise, the celestial bodies in the sky appear at their proper time and afterward disappear.  Recently there have been some amazing shows in the skies, or heavens, involving the Sun, Moon, & Stars because they were set in motion long ago to appear now.  The same is being done on Earth, for now is the time!

To America: “Proclaim Liberty thro’ all the Land…”

“Proclaim Liberty thro’ all the Land to all the Inhabitants thereof…”

This proclamation is etched on what is known as the “symbol of American Independence” – the Liberty Bell housed in Philadelphia, the City of “Brotherly Love.” But where does this saying come from?

The “Liberty Bell”

It is a quote from Biblical Scripture, Leviticus 25:10 pertaining to the Jubilee called for by God after He brought the House of Israel out of their oppression in Egypt…

Exodus from Egypt

“For the LORD our God, it is He that brought us up and our fathers out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage, and which did those great signs in our sight, and preserved us in all the way wherein we went, and among all the people through whom we passed:” Josh 24:17

The Days of Elijah, by Paul Wilbur

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